The popularity of the phrase “work/life balance” illustrates that we have more demands on our time and energy than ever before. Even if you are retired, arranging quality time with your mate, family and friends can be challenging. Social media and other forms of ‘smart’ communication make it easier to stay connected, but often the quality of human interaction suffers.

According to a scholarly review published by PLOS Medicine, a journal of the Public Library of Science, “Current evidence… indicates that the quantity and/or quality of social relationships in industrialized societies are decreasing.” Adding that “over the last two decades there has been a threefold increase in the number of Americans who report having no confidant.” Evidently, “despite increases in technology and globalization that would presumably foster social connections, people are becoming increasingly more socially isolated.” This social isolation is apparently posing health risks on par with smoking and obesity.

The researchers reviewed studies involving 308,000 participants averaging 64 years of age who were studied for an average of 7-1/2 years. They commented that “social relationships have been linked to the development and progression of cardiovascular disease — a leading cause of death globally.” Adding, “The influence of social relationships on the risk of death are comparable with well-established risk factors… such as smoking and alcohol consumption and exceed the influence of other risk factors such as physical inactivity and obesity.” The benefit of hydrotherapy is that it facilitates social bonding and has a variety of other health benefits.

Owning a hot tub creates a compelling reason to get together, a fun place to congregate and a setting that is conducive to conversation. Since smartphones, tablets and laptops don’t mix well with water, your hydrotherapy session is the perfect excuse to put the gadgets away and focus on sincere human interaction. Romantic relationships can be rekindled, parents can reengage with their children, and old friends can reconnect in a peaceful, therapeutic environment. Whether it’s watching the sun go down, enjoying a starry night or sharing in a special occasion, a Marquis hot tub can become the reason, place and setting to nurture what matters most.

You can also use your Marquis to curate multisensory experiences. Spa therapy options like aromatherapychromotherapymusic therapy and oxygen skin therapy boost the ambiance and create an even more inviting atmosphere. You will enjoy watching the satisfaction of your guests as the aches and pains melt away.