For athletes, considering a hot tub is about more than just relaxation and stress relief. It’s about real-world benefits related to strenuous exercise and recovery. Whether you need endurance, intense acceleration, power, strength or fast repeatability, hydrotherapy can help. Eliminate plasma lactate concentration, treat acute pain and inflammation, minimize the negative side effects of training and more.


Let’s start with your pre-workout. A study from 2008 found that immersion in warm water before exercise “reduced most of the indirect markers of exercise-induced muscle damage, including muscle soreness, creatine kinase (CK) activity in the blood, maximal voluntary contraction force and jump height.” In other words, if working out is negatively impacting your performance, soaking in a hot tub before your workout may reduce these negative impacts and make your workout a plus instead of a minus.

What about your post-workout recovery? Many trainers recognize the benefits of contrast water immersion (CWI), alternating between hot and cold water at specific time intervals.* In this regard, a report published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport described CWI as “a valid and effective means of accelerating recovery from high intensity exercise in both males and females.” Adding that “it hastens blood lactate clearance, results in lighter and less tight muscles with a feeling of mental freshness, and improves the subjective perception of recovery.” In this case, contrast immersion involved 97 degree Fahrenheit (36C) water — which can easily be achieved by a Marquis hot tub# — and a 54 degree (12C) cold water bath.

This is just the tip of the spear. Marquis hot tubs offer full body massage jets, aromatherapy, chromotherapy, music therapy and oxygen skin therapy to create a multisensory hydrotherapy experience. It’s like a multi-tool you can use to maximize athletic potential, and a fun place to relax and unwind with family, friends and teammates.